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Sweet Lou’s Cherries

Sweet Lou’s Cherries

1301 sellers ave Brentwood

We Are Currently:Closed

Please follow us on FB and Instagram. Opening date will be in May. We cannot wait to see you!


We’re excited about the upcoming CHERRY season! Please visit us Wed – Sat, 9am-5pm. We’re conveniently located on the the corner of Sellers Ave and Brentwood Blvd (Entrance on Sellers Ave). Follow us on Social Media for updates! check us out at www.sweetlouscherries.com

We offer U-Pick & Pre-Picked cherries.
Cherry Variety:

  • -Bing
  • -Coral
  • -Brooks
  • -Rainier
  • -Royal Tioga
  • -Royal Hazel
  • -Santina
  • -Sweetheart


Contact Info


